My First Lion Safari – Gir National Park

Among all the places on my travel route in Gujarat, Gir was the place I was most excited about. After all, it is the last and only remaining habitat of the magnificent Asiatic Lion! I had to work hard to keep my expectations in check, understanding that spotting these incredible…

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Experience these 4 unique things in Jodhpur

Hey there, cupcakes! If you’re planning a trip to Jodhpur, I’m confident that the Guide to Jodhpur I wrote last week has everything you need to know about the things to do and see in the Blue City of Rajasthan. THINGS TO DO IN JODHPUR India’s second-largest state is peppered with imposing…

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Ratapani Range Retreat – Resort Review And Photos

The driver made a sharp right as our jeep swerved to the left in calf-high mud. My mind jumps back to reality and I remember that I’m not caught up in traffic on Western Express Highway anymore. I’m in a Mahindra Major Jeep, off-roading in slushy mud in the middle…

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