Best North Indian Food in Goa – ThatGoanGirl Guide

Growing up in Goa, my culinary experiences were different from those of my friends in metro cities and northern India. While rotis were a rare treat for us (my brother and I ate them perhaps once a year), they were a staple for them. Drinking fresh cow’s milk and eating…

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Have you tried Dedos De Dama in Goa?

Goa is a treasure trove of cultural secrets that for a long while, were being passed on as heirlooms of a time gone by. However, some flavours from our grandmothers’ stories face the possibility of being forgotten forever. For instance, the ever-changing and demanding urban and professional landscape leaves families…

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Best places to enjoy an English Breakfast in Goa

While some days demand to be kickstarted with a bowl of Upma or oats, some others want to ease into it with a hearty spread of a lazy English breakfast. A good platter of eggs well-done, sausages, bacon and toast with a side of butter and jam, can never go…

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The Cape Goa – Stunning Cliff-side Resort in South Goa

Hey, hey! My blogging skills are a bit rusty since it’s been ages since I’ve posted on ThatGoanGirl! I’ll admit I haven’t been motivated to blog at *all* for the last year – and while I did start out by feeling guilty about it, I got over that pretty quickly…

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Ạ new avatar, a new menu, and a safer dining experience at Caravela, Taj Holiday Village

Covid-19 has taken over the better part of the year, instilling fear and uncertainty in most of us, but if you drive around Goa today, you may find yourself wondering whether the pandemic even exists. With tourist attractions packed to the brim and tourists thronging to beach-side restaurants, it seems…

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Head to The Sugar Flower to enjoy all-day breakfasts in Panjim

Breakfast isn’t hugely important in Goa – we don’t usually think twice about what we eat for the first meal of the day, unless it’s a leisurely weekend – in which case, bring out the pattice and bhaji-paos! It’s surprising and refreshing, then, to find a Goan café dedicated to…

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Edit: Nicky M’s Kitchen has shut down. I never thought I’d miss writing about restaurants and food as much as I did over the last 4 months. While restaurants had begun opening up for home deliveries and takeaways for over a month now, the family and I stuck to our…

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Best Sunday Brunches in Goa – ThatGoanGirl Guide

Whoever told you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day clearly never indulged in the best Sunday Brunches in Goa. In my opinion, brunch adds a little magic to mealtimes, combining the very best of breakfasts – such as Nutella croissants, cheese and fruits – with the…

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An Epic List of things to do in Panjim – ThatGoanGirl Guide

Old meets new in our capital city of Goa, Panjim… or Panaji, as they call it nowadays. It is here where you’ll find traces of our Portuguese-dominated past alongside glittering casinos, lush parks, world cuisine, quaint coffee shops and vintage-looking storefronts. Panjim is the ideal hang-out area- offering something for…

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24 Hours in Goa – How to spend a day in Calangute, Candolim and Baga

While my blog is called ‘That Goan Girl,’ I rarely write about Goa in a way that helps travellers visiting my home state. You see, this is a space for me to document my food and travel adventures around the country, not a guidebook to Goa… but naturally, I get…

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To Dr. Pramod Sawant – on the lockdown in Goa

Dear Dr Pramod Sawant, A couple of days ago, a migrant labourer was standing in line for groceries at the shop, in the sun for 40 minutes, Rs. 70 in hand. He was able to buy some rice with the money and the look on his face was very sad…

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