It must be pretty cool to have a family business that’s known throughout the continent, especially one that’s not related to food – those tend to gain popularity as the generations go by.

What I loved about Albert Gilles Copper Art is that it’s a quaint little structure by the countryside in Chateau Richer, Quebec. By looking at it on the outside, one would never guess that this was the place where master craftsman Albert Gilles made magic with copper.

While the incredible artist, Albert Gilles is no longer alive, his daughters keep the 87 year old copper smith tradition flourishing. Apparently, they are the last crafters of their kind, so I’m really glad I could go and appreciate the art. The method they use is Copper Repousse – pressing shapes into the reverse side of soft copper using wooden tools.
From tiny pendants to the gigantic doors of the Basilica Sainte-Anne church doors you see in the picture, the time and detailing required during this painstaking process is incredible. In fact, Albert took over 15 years to create 50 large silver panels telling the story of the Life of Christ.
Although I love marveling at art, I’m not the artistic type. My grandmother did all art and craft-related projects I was assigned in school… I hope no ex-teachers are reading this.
Here are three attempt at Copper Repousse – my cousins, my brothers and mine.
I’m not telling you which one is mine! (hint – it’s the best one!)